Thursday, August 12, 2010

My babies

Im still taking the daily pics of the kids im not gunna post them all but I will continue doing it :)


So I, along with the family that was visiting went to a place called Jump Street it is a place full of those blow up jumpers and trampalines and what not! It was awesome! Dakota had a blast! Im not sure it if I will go back considering a boy broke his leg before we left LOL


Ive been soooo busy since Saturday! I totally feel like I've been a bad blogger :)!
But tonight when the kids are fast asleep I will up date with all that I have been doing!!!
Until then ........

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Change is happening

So I knew this would change my life but I didnt know how much it would! I feel like I know look forward to thinkgs like reading with dakota, taking pcitures of the kids together! And all around just doing things with my babies!
I love this change and its only going to get better

My time

#23 1/10
So I went to the library today again but with just Addison and I while Dakota was at school. I checked out 2 books for me. The One im starting with is

I read lots of his mothers books(Sylvia Browne ) and I happen to see this so I  got it! I also got another book a new one ill Post about it tomorrow its a fiction crime I believe!

I also read with Dakota and Addison tonight... thats the continue of reading with them every day for 4 mths.
We read

I love the Auther of these books Ive been reading to the kids his name is Eric Carle, Dakota loves them too :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Such a close call!!

So when we left that library today, after droping all the books, I noticed a few ppl stanting around a car didnt think much of it!
So I turned my van on and was about to put Addison in and a Fire tuck pulled up lights n all....I watched and listened and OMG this lady locked her baby (had to be no more then 5 mths) it took them about 6 mins or so and they finially opened it! It had to be the longest 6 mins of that mommas life! That is horrble! But after the firefighter checked the little boy out he gave him to his momma :)
here are a few pics LOL

at least I wasnt as obvious as this old guy LOL he stoped and stood and watched


So today when Dakota got home from school I looked at his homework and he has a reading log and we need to read every night. So I got out some of his books and realized he doesnt have ANY books that are at the kindergarten level. So I decided we would go to the local library!!!!
It was fun! I havnt been to the library in years and although I had one kid running around and was holding the other I loved it!
NOTE TO SELF: Bring bag for books and Addisons stroller next time I go to the Library!!!
So thus being said I got one of my goals done number 22 "go to the library and check out books"
I didnt get myself books but we got six for Dakota! I plan on going back with just me and Addison tomorrow morning and getting one for myself!

So we read a few books tonight witch is another goal
Number 53 "Read a book to Dakota&Addison everyday for 4 mths"
We started with this book!


Damn it LOL I didnt take a picture of the kids yesterday :( looks like ill start again today!
With Dakotas first day of school and everything we were sooo busy! I guess its ok to messup every now and again thank goodness I was only one day 2 hahaha
Here is the daily
day 1 again :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

#87 Two words shark week

I compeleted number 87 today I watched a show that I said Id never watch....
Its Shark week on Discovery and Ive always said Id never watch those shows, and Ive always just passed them by while skimin the channels. But today was different I saw that one of my friends, yes you Devon, was excited about shark week. So as I passed by Discovery today while feeding Addison I stopped and watched not one but 3 shows and I still have the TV on to that channel! I have to admit I LOVE IT. It is sooo ineresting!  So I know what ill be doing this week while Dakota is at school :)
I ended up getting one of my goals done with out even knowing it......

On another note
Today was eventful..
We got dakotas hair cut...and finished shoping for his school clothes! He starts KINDERGARTEN tomorrow and Im not sure if I wanna cry or be happy!
Dakota went for a ride on his quad today and I took a picture of him holding his sister right before!

Here is the Daily