Thursday, September 29, 2011

week 4 maybe

Hey, can't be sure but maybe this is week 4? Either way we are still cloth diapering and going strong! I love it! and I couldn't think of doing anything else different!

On a different note, Dakotas is having picture day tomorrow at school! I still cant believe he is in the first grade! NUTS

Some newer pics of the kiddos :)

Addison and I at the park yesterday :) 
And my baby boy Dakota :) 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fluff Mail, Fluff Mail, FLUFFFFF MAAAIILLL

Yep I checked the mail today and got the last of diapers I have been expecting!
I got two diapers from tender tooshies and another china diape!


Here is  a CUTE cover that my BFF LeAnn got Addi! 
So totally cute!!!

Here are a few more of my stash

I must say, I am finally getting a stash built up. 
I have 15 pockets, some china diapes and the some fuzzibunz and some WAHM diapers
and 2 swaddlebees AIO
And one diaper cover in which I am using receiving blankets as a insert! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thrifty Nifty Mommy-Lebelle Boutique Review and Giveaway

Yep, for all you mommas with little girls these bows are so stinking cute! You HAVE to check out the giveaway and review that thrifty nifty mommy is doing here

Addison loves cloth

As you can see my baby loves her cloth diapers as much as I do!!! I ask her, "Addison let me see your diaper". And this is what she does!
I couldnt be happier we choose to cloth diaper, just wish I would have earlier.

Fluff Mail

Today, before rushing off to start my day, I noticed the mail man drive by.. I instantly got excited hoping to get some nrw diapers I have nlbeen expecting in the mail!!!
To my surprise there was 3 diapers in there!!! Yes, very exciting indeed!

Rocker diaper and clip

Just bought a new diaper, won the bid! When  a friend showed me this diaper 2 days ago I HAD TO HAVE IT.
I know, I really dont need any new diapes but hey it was cute and came with a clip!! :)

I got it from here

Here are a few pics


Monday, September 5, 2011

Another 29 Diapers SoftBums Giveaway!

Yep! Another! I know I post a lot about diaper giveaways but hey they are great and I hope someone that reads this wins! *or me :)*
Go here to enter!! And good luck!

this is my fav btw

29 Diapers giveaway!

29 diapers is having a Giveaway of a softbums diape! Everyone loves a good, free diaper.. so go HERE
and check it out!!!


Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you to all our fallen soldiers! You will never know how much you are appreciated, its because of you that we are a free country!!

Dakota lost another tooth

So this morning while Dakota was eating breakfast he came up to me crying saying it hurt to eat his tooth was bothering him so I looked and yep, his 2nd tooth was about to come out. So I cut up the rest of his breakfast so he could finish eating with out trouble. Well he said, "Mommy, please pull it out." I told him to do it himself, and to be a big boy. He tried, no luck. Josh then said let me try and it was out before we knew it. Dakota had no idea it was even out! :) So now my baby has a big gap where he is missing 2 teeth
here is a picture, sorry its kind of bad.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I, not realizing that they came from China, ordered a bunch of diapers off ebay. They were so cheap I couldn't believe it!! Well it takes a million years to get here. I've also heard that they sometimes have chemicals in them that the diapers made in the US don't. I hope not. So now its a waiting game. I'll deal with my diapers I got off craigslist, ripped off by craigslist I should say, while I wait.

In the mean time, I have entered a bunch of drawings to win diapers :)
Wish me GOOD LUCK!

Oh, Josh thinks I have a problem, and doesn't want me buying more diapers until I get these ones from China (7 lol)...
Poo on him!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Creams good with Cloth

So, today, Addison has had diarrhea :/ So I had to google what creams would be good with her new cloth friends.
I got the list from here it is:


Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm (Any)
Baby Bottom Better Diaper Salve (Yeast)
California Baby Calming Diaper Rash Cream (Any)
Kindhearted Women Claymazing Powder (Wetness)
Northern Essence Better Butter Cream (Yeast)
Northern Essence Diaper Rash Salve (Any)
Grandma El's Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention (Any)
There is also a list of NOT TO USE creams! I'm glad I looked!
They are:


A&D Original Ointment
A&D Zinc Oxide Cream
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment
Baby Bees Diaper Rash Ointment
Balmex Ointment
Balmex Zinc Oxide
Boudreaux's Butt Paste
Desitin Creamy
Desitin Ointment
Lansinoh Diaper Rash Ointment
Triple Paste
Weleda Calendula Diaper Care

ANOTHER Softbums giveaway!

On the Softbums blog there is yet another cute diaper giveaway!!!

Check it out :)

Softbums Giveaway

Softbums is giving away a cloth today! Its super cute and would look cute on a little girly bootie! I hope we win :)
Good luck to all who enter

3rd day of coth

So Today marks my 3rd day of cloth diapering.

I love it. I cant believe I waited 16 mths to try it out, shame on me. Better late then never right???

here is Addison from Day one in her first cloth. 
She loved it as you can tell

Ok so Anyways, I've learned so much
Where to start. How about there are a million different cloth diapers out there to try. I say I like pocket diapers now but who knows, day is only day 3.  I do have 2 AIO which are ok, but take longer to dry.

I hope to learn more and more and share it with you all. 

My new Fluff Adventure

So, recently, I've decided I am going to cloth diaper Addison.
So I plan to record on here how it goes what I like, what I dont like and so on.
Right now I bought a lot of cloths from a local momma here in Peoria Via Craigslist. I Cant say it was a good choice, I think she might have ripped me off, but that's life.
Right now I like the Pocket system diapers better then the AIO (all in one) diaper system but I have only tried a  few and am open to more.
For now that is all :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21st = Judgement Day... I think NOT!

Yeah Ive heard all this crap of today the 21st of May being Judgement day.. Lets get real people. Oh and It will be at 3 pm LOL. I mean come on this is crazy!!!

Ehh anyways, I will be going about my happy day with my babies and cleaning... maybe I should wait on cleaning until after 3 pm ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

WOW! It has been a while..

It has been a while since I've last posted.... SORRY
UGH I guess you can say I gave up on the 101 things in 1001 days or whatever.. So I'm now making this Blog about the adventures of a kinda Stay-at-home, going to school online mommy...

So in the past few mths so much has happened :)

A few highlights...........

Addison is now one, YES, one freaking years old its freaking nuts!

Here are a few pictures from the day :)

She is still breast feeding, although I need to be honest if she was to want to stop I am all game LOL

We are extended rear facing her car seat right now. Cant say she has complained but only time will tell.
here is a pic of Addi rear facing a few months back

Dakota will be graduating kindergarten soon I'll def post pics of that soon (next wed)
ohh Easter was here at my house, here are some more pictures (I am picture happy today)

We moved into a new nice house last month (April) UGH its the best thing ever...

Oh the MOST exciting news.... WE ARE FINALLY GETTING MARRIED... Yep thats right Josh and I will tie the knot on the 4th of july... Why the 4th of July you ask,.. LOL well it is grandfather and grandmothers anniversary. It is going to be such a honer to share that special day with people we care a lot about!

Ok I will be adding more today but that is it today :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bling Bling for my Pretty

So today, after much debat, we got Addisons ears pierced!!!
It wasn't bad at all! I thought it would be close to death haha jk! But I was extremely nervous! Josh explains it as I was in shock lol!
So we got it done at Icing in our local mall!. We got 14k white gold with a dimond (not real ha) they are beautiful!!
She cried for maybe 20 secs if that! LOL as soon as I went to nurse her she was laughing again! So shes fine!! And it was totally worth it!
It will take some getting used to!
here are some pictures from the adventure :)

UGH stupid Blogger uploaded the pictures backwards LOL but you get the point :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Addison laughing 1-1

She is such a big girl now standing and laughing :)